Tank Linings/Primary Containment
Blome tank lining systems have been trusted for over 40 years in the absolute harshest environments. Designed to perform in virtually any industrial environment, they provide chemical resistance, minimal permeation, abrasion resistance and thermal protection.
The interior lining of your tank is both the first level of protection for your product, and the first line of defense against the tank’s corrosive contents. As the interior is rarely visible, it’s critical to choose a lining that fits your tank’s exact needs.
At Blome, we are committed to ensuring you that your tank is treated with long-lasting protection. Whether you are constructing a brand-new tank or relining an existing one, our technical experts will guide you through the selection and application processes.
Concrete and Steel Tank Linings
Our epoxies, novolac epoxies and vinyl ester linings are formulated to withstand the most aggressive immersion applications and can be customized to fit your unique needs.
Tile Tank Linings
Our membranes and glass flake systems are used in conjunction with various chemical-resistant masonry units and mortars to design long-lasting, reliable tank and vessel linings.
Hygienic, FDA-Approved Tank Linings
We understand how critical it is to ensure compliance, safety and security in both the Food and Beverage industry and the Pharmaceutical industry. Our FDA-approved tank linings ensure the highest level of product purity and optimum corrosion resistance.
Coatings for Tank Exteriors
For steel tank exteriors, structural steel and piping, our maintenance coatings provide excellent protection. And, our surface-tolerant epoxies and polyurethane finishes offer outstanding corrosion resistance and UV/weathering resistance.
You can trust Blome’s industrial tank linings for long-lasting protection, matched with the expertise and guidance you need for a successful application.

Tank Linings/Primary Containment Products
Primers, Sealants and Membranes
- EC-2500 100% Solids Penetrating DTM Epoxy Primer
- Membrane 67 Sprayable/Trowellable Urethane Membrane
- Primer 75C Conductive Moisture Tolerant Epoxy Primer
- Primer 205 High Elongation Vinyl Ester Primer
- Sealant 78 Hydrophobic Urethane Injection Grout
Mortars and Grouts
- CP-25 Furan Setting Bed/Joint Mortars
- CP-25C Carbon Filled Furan Setting Bed/Mortar
- CP-29C High Temperature Carbon Filled Furan Mortar/Setting Bed
- CP-36 Epoxy Setting Bed/Joint Mortar
- CP-83MP Multi Purpose Epoxy Mortar
- CP-96 Novolac Epoxy Setting Bed/Joint Mortar
- CP-100C Carbon Filled Vinyl Ester Mortar
- CP-105AR Vinyl Ester Mortar
- CP-110HB High Bond Vinyl Ester Mortar
- CP-300UHF Ultra High Flow Vinyl Ester Polymer Grout/Concrete
Polymer Concretes
- CP-300HF High Flow, Low-Shrink Vinyl Ester Polymer Concrete
- CP-300UHF Ultra High Flow Vinyl Ester Polymer Grout/Concrete
- Omni-Crete 1200G Acid-Resistant Concrete
Vinyl Ester Coatings and Linings
- TL-204 Trowellable Monolithic Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-220 Trowellable Flake Glass Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-220HMW Trowellable Flake Glass Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-220HT High Temp Trowellable Glass Flake Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-220S FDA Sprayable Flake Filled Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-220S AR Sprayable Abrasion Resistant NSF 61 Approved Vinly Ester
- TL-220SMR Mat Reinforced Vinyl Ester Coating & Lining
- TL-222S Sprayable Carbon Filled Vinyl Ester Coating and Lining
- TL-222S HMW High Temp, Graphite Filled Vinyl Ester Tank Lining
- TL-225NS Sprayable Teflon Filled Vinyl Ester Coating & Lining
- TL-250 Glass Flake Trowel-Spray Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-250AR Abrasion Resistant Trowel Spray Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-250HMW Sprayable Flake Glass Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-280 Sprayable Flake Glass Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-280AR Abrasion Resistant Ceramic Filled Sprayable Vinyl Ester
- TL-280HT High Temperature Sprayable Glass Flake Filled HMW Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-400 Mat Reinforced Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405 Woven Roving Reinforced Trowel Applied Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405AR Trowellable Abrasion Resistant Woven Roving Reinforced Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405AR HMW Trowellable Abrasion Resistant Woven Roving Reinforced Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405HMW Woven Roving Reinforced Trowel Applied Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405HT Trowellable Mat Reinforced High Temperature Vinyl Ester Lining
Epoxy Coatings and Linings
- TL-40AR Abrasion Resistant Ceramic Filled Sprayable/Brushable Epoxy Coating
- TL-40S Sprayable High Build Epoxy Lining
- TL-42S High Build Long Potlife Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-42SMR Mat Reinforced 100% Solids Reinforced Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-45AR Abrasion Resistant High Build Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-45GF Graphite Filled Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-45S Sprayable High Build Novolac Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-45S GF 100% Solids, Glass Falke-Filled Novolac Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-46S Abrasion & Impact Resistant Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-47S High Build Long Potlife Novolac Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-47S GF Glass Flake-Filled Novolac Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-47S MR Mat Reinforced 100% Solids Reinforced Novolac Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-81 Fast Curing High Build Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-81AR Fast Curing High Build Abrasion Resistant Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-81AR GF Ceramic Glass Flake Filled Epoxy Coating
- TL-81GF High Performance Glass Flake Epoxy Lining
- TL-91 Fast Curing High Build Novolac Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-91AR Abrasion Resistant Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-91AR GF Ceramic Glass Flake Filled Novolac Epoxy Coating
- TL-91GF Sprayable Glass Flake Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-292 FDA Compliant Hybrid Epoxy Lining
- TL-294 High Temperature Glass Flake Filled Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-480 Mat Reinforced Epoxy Lining
- TL-485 Woven Roving Reinforced Epoxy Lining
- TL-490 Mat Reinforced Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-495 Woven Roving Reinforced Novolac Lining
- TL-920 Trowellable Flake Glass Epoxy Novolac Lining
- TL-1255 FDA Epoxy Tank Lining
Brick and Tank Tiles
- EC-200HP Halogenated Polyester Coating
- TL-222HP/TL-222HP ESD High Temp, Graphite Filled, Halogenated Polyester Lining
- TL-405HP Halogenated Mat-Reinforced Lining