Secondary Containment
Blome’s secondary containment lining systems create an impenetrable barrier to protect against concentrated acids, alkalis, salts, solvents and many other aggressive chemicals. Our linings can be used in conjunction with various elastomeric, crack-bridging coatings, as well as membrane systems to provide full containment of your most aggressive chemicals.
We have proven combinations of polymer systems that are successful with crack bridging and are chemically resistant as well. Combining various polymers such as epoxy, novolac epoxy, vinyl esters and other flexible, elastomeric polymers with reinforcing materials such as geotextiles, fiberglass, and carbon fiber fabrics creates a system that will meet the demands of your containment.
Our engineered systems are highly effective for use in concrete secondary containment areas that are prone to cracking due to settling, freezing, thawing and hot chemical spills. These systems are also often used for chemical containment in trench and sump linings.
You can trust Blome products for long-lasting protection, matched with the expertise and guidance you need for successful application.
Secondary Containment Products
Primers, Sealants and Membranes
- EC-55MT S Flexible Moisture Tolerant Novolac Membrane
- EC-2001 Fluoroelastomer Joint Sealant
- EC-2500 100% Solids Penetrating DTM Epoxy Primer
- Membrane 67 Sprayable/Trowellable Urethane Membrane
- Membrane 68 High Temperature Asphalt Membrane
- Membrane 72 Trowellable Urethane Membrane
- Membrane 72X Fast Setting Trowellable Urethane Membrane
- Membrane 74 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane
- Primer 71 Moisture Tolerant Vinyl Ester Urethane Polymer
- Primer 75 Moisture Tolerant Epoxy Primer
- Primer 75C Conductive Moisture Tolerant Epoxy Primer
- Primer 205 High Elongation Vinyl Ester Primer
- Sealant 72R Polyurethane Joint Sealant
- Sealant 78 Hydrophobic Urethane Injection Grout
- Sealant EC 2003 Low Viscosity Fluoroelastomer Joint Sealant
Polymer Concretes
- CP-14CC Modified Calcium Aluminate Polymer Concrete
- CP-35 Furagrout – Furan Polymer Concrete
- CP-35 Non-Shrink Furan Polymer Concrete
- CP-55 Impact Resistant Novolac Polymer Concrete
- CP-85CC Epoxy Polymer Concrete
- CP-95 Novolac Epoxy Polymer Concrete
- CP-300 Non Shrink Vinyl Ester Polymer Concrete
- CP-300HF High Flow, Low-Shrink Vinyl Ester Polymer Concrete
- CP-300UHF Ultra High Flow Vinyl Ester Polymer Grout/Concrete
- CP-350C Carbon Filled Vinyl Ester Polymer Concrete
- Omni-Crete 1200G Acid-Resistant Concrete
Brick and Tiles
Grouts and Mortars
- Blome 930 Fast Setting Repair Grouting
- CP-25 Furan Setting Bed/Joint Mortars
- CP-25C Carbon Filled Furan Setting Bed/Mortar
- CP-25CG Carbon Filled Furan Grout
- CP-29C High Temperature Carbon Filled Furan Mortar/Setting Bed
- CP-83EN Epoxy Novolac Repair Mortar/Adhesive
- CP-83MP Multi Purpose Epoxy Mortar
- CP-95HF High Flow Novolac Epoxy Machinery Grout
- CP-96 Novolac Epoxy Setting Bed/Joint Mortar
- CP-100C Carbon Filled Vinyl Ester Mortar
- CP-110HB High Bond Vinyl Ester Mortar
- CP-300UHF Ultra High Flow Vinyl Ester Polymer Grout/Concrete
- Duragrout Epoxy Machinery Grout
- Duragrout EN Novolac Epoxy Machinery Grout
- Duragrout FS Fast Set Epoxy Machinery Grout
- Duragrout HF High Flow Epoxy Machinery Grout
Epoxy Coatings and Linings
- CP-85SB Epoxy Slurry-Broadcast
- CP-95SB Novolac Epoxy Slurry-Broadcast
- EC-R540 Moisture Tolerant Epoxy Resin Injection
- EC-R590 Multi-Purpose Epoxy Resin
- EC-66 Flexible Epoxy Coating
- EC-80 Epoxy Coating
- EC-85SB Epoxy Slurry-Broadcast Coating
- EC-86 Sprayable Epoxy Surfacer
- EC-90 Novolac Epoxy Coating
- EC-95SB Novolac Epoxy Slurry-Broadcast Coating
- EC-880 Trowel Applied Epoxy Floor Surfacer
- EC-990 Trowel Applied Novolac Epoxy Floor Surfacer
- EC-8601 Multi-Purpose Clear Epoxy Resin
- EC-8602 Non-Yellowing Epoxy Coating
- EC-9601 Penetrating Novolac Epoxy Coating/Sealer
- EC-9602 Non-Yellowing Novolac Epoxy Coating
- TL-40AR Abrasion Resistant Ceramic Filled Sprayable/Brushable Epoxy Coating
- TL-40S Sprayable High Build Epoxy Lining
- TL-42S High Build Long Potlife Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-42SMR Mat Reinforced 100% Solids Reinforced Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-45GF Graphite Filled Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-45S Sprayable High Build Novolac Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-45S GF 100% Solids, Glass Falke-Filled Novolac Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-47S MR Mat Reinforced 100% Solids Reinforced Novolac Epoxy Tank Lining
- TL-81 Fast Curing High Build Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-81AR GF Ceramic Glass Flake Filled Epoxy Coating
- TL-91 Fast Curing High Build Novolac Epoxy Coating & Lining
- TL-91AR Abrasion Resistant Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-91AR GF Ceramic Glass Flake Filled Novolac Epoxy Coating
- TL-292 FDA Compliant Hybrid Epoxy Lining
- TL-480 Mat Reinforced Epoxy Lining
- TL-485 Woven Roving Reinforced Epoxy Lining
- TL-490 Mat Reinforced Novolac Epoxy Lining
- TL-495 Woven Roving Reinforced Novolac Lining
Vinyl Ester Coatings and Linings
- EC-60 Geotextile Engineering Fabric
- EC-200 Vinyl Ester Coating
- EC-200HMW Vinyl Ester Coating
- TL-220S FDA Sprayable Flake Filled Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-220SMR Mat Reinforced Vinyl Ester Coating & Lining
- TL-222S Sprayable Carbon Filled Vinyl Ester Coating and Lining
- TL-222S HMW High Temp, Graphite Filled Vinyl Ester Tank Lining
- TL-225NS Sprayable Teflon Filled Vinyl Ester Coating & Lining
- TL-250 Glass Flake Trowel-Spray Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-250AR Abrasion Resistant Trowel Spray Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-250HMW Sprayable Flake Glass Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-280 Sprayable Flake Glass Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-400 Mat Reinforced Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405 Woven Roving Reinforced Trowel Applied Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405AR Trowellable Abrasion Resistant Woven Roving Reinforced Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405AR HMW Trowellable Abrasion Resistant Woven Roving Reinforced Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405HMW Woven Roving Reinforced Trowel Applied Vinyl Ester Lining
- TL-405HT Trowellable Mat Reinforced High Temperature Vinyl Ester Lining
THERMCRETE Polyurethane Cement Floor Surfacers
- THERMCRETE HT- Trowel Applied Heavy-Duty Cementitious Polyurethane Surfacer
- THERMCRETE IF- Iron-Filled Ultra Heavy-Duty Cementitious Polyurethane Mortar Surfacer
- THERMCRETE SF- Semi-Flowable Heavy-Duty Cementitious Polyurethane Surfacer
- THERMCRETE SL- Self Leveling Cementitious Polyurethane Surfacer
- THERMCRETE TC- Cementitious Polyurethane Topcoat
- THERMCRETE TC/EN- High Performance Epoxy Novolac Topcoat
- THERMCRETE TC/ESD- Electro-static Dissipative Topcoat
- THERMCRETE TC/UV- UV Stable Polyurethane Topcoat
- THERMCRETE TC/VE- High Chemical Resistance Vinyl Ester Topcoat
- THERMCRETE VG- Trowel Applied Vertical Grade Cementitious Polyurethane Surfacer
- EC-2000 Fluoroelastomer Coating
- EC-2001 Fluoroelastomer Joint Sealant
- Sealant EC 2003 Low Viscosity Fluoroelastomer Joint Sealant